Energy Intensive Industries - save 30% on electricity

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'Green taxes' added to electricity bills can make up >30% of the total p/kWh cost. It is now possible to claim an exemption from these costs if your business qualifies as an Energy Intensive Industry. You might wonder if it is worth the bother but if your all-in spend on electricity is £50,000 p.a. the savings could easily be £10,000 p.a.

However, it only applies to specific sectors. So go straight to Annex 1 of the first document found via this link to see if what you do is on the list. Whilst at first glance the list looks long it is actually quite narrow in scope.

It looks like the textile and metals industries have been lobbying hard on this. Closest to my traditional client base is 'Manufacture of prepared feed for farm animals'. As I like my beer, 'Manufacture of malt' strikes a chord with me. Some of the more specialist ones (to me anyway) include 'Manufacture of knitted and crocheted hosiery' and 'Manufacture of wallpaper'.

Whatever sector you are in, I can help you to claim this exemption. Get in touch to find out more.

Now Then Energy

Owner / Director of Now Then Energy Ltd

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