Combined heat & power

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units are one of the most efficient ways of using a fuel to generate electricity. This is because, instead of throwing away the heat that is 'left over' as large power stations do, the heat is put to good use.

We work with businesses that own and operate CHP on sites such as commerical greenhouses and even hospitals. We also work with operators of district heating networks in towns and cities and Energy Services Companies that invest in CHP and then sell the heat and electricity to the host site.


 We cover topics such as:

  • Feasibility studies

  • Energy contract negotiation and invoice validation

  • Re-billing heat and electricity to the end user

  • CHPQA accreditation and annual returns, quarterly CCL returns, MCPD permitting and compliance

  • UKETS compliance for larger installations

  • Run regime optimisation through detailed operating cost analysis and monitoring daily site electricty and heat demand

  • Daily run regime changes using automated systems linked to the day-ahead electricity markets

  • Assessing the benefits of grid support services such as Capacity Market, Short Term Operating Reserve etc.

Key to all of this is developing a deep understanding of the energy demand dynamics of a site and whole of life CHP operating costs.

If you have CHP or are just starting to explore the potential benefits get in touch for a no-nonsense conversation about making CHP work for your business.

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