Ongoing support

Clients choose this service for many different reasons. It can be that they:

  • Have fallen foul of default tariffs and don’t want to get their fingers burnt again

  • Have lost patience with ‘choose option 1 for….’

  • Simply don’t have the time

  • Appreciate the value of knowing that somebody who does this every day is keeping on top of it for them.

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Ongoing support packages are tailored to your specific needs. A starting point is often:

  • Checking your energy bills

  • Raising and resolving queries with energy suppliers on your behalf

  • Ensuring contract renewals are not missed.

This might sound pretty simple but there’s a lot that goes on ‘under the bonnet’.

This is often the start of much wider involvement when a client needs a bigger electricity supply, is looking to invest in energy saving technology or has energy related compliance needs. Already having the energy consumption data readily to hand is a great starting point.

Get in touch for a no-nonsense conversation about outsourcing your energy management.