Food industry

The food industry uses a lot of energy for quite varied applications depending on the particular product. It can be:

  • Refrigeration for storage and packing areas

  • Heat for drying, pasteurising, cooking and cleaning

  • Lighting in packing and inspection areas

  • Packing lines, compressed air, office and staff facilities

  • Effluent treatment.

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Many such facilities often operate seven days per week and even 24/7; they rarely run a standard 40 hour working week. With refrigeration being common, unlike many businesses the highest electricity use tends to be in summer rather than winter.

Bespoke fixed price electricity supply contracts and even flexible contracts can give the best outcome for food industry businesses. If natural gas is available, high year-round electricity demand combined with a need for heat has driven increased interest in CHP in recent years.

Get in touch for a no-nonsense conversation about your energy requirements.

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