Heat networks

Heat networks are seen as a key means of providing low carbon heat in urban areas in particular. They facilitate the installation of low carbon heat sources such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and heat pumps which benefit from economies of scale and cannot always be installed at the point of heat use.

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Due to the high capital cost, heat networks are often owned and managed by large companies, local authorities etc. The heat customer is billed for each kWh of heat used. A key point is that the heat customer cannot ‘shop around’ as they do for gas or electricity so the price paid per kWh of heat is often linked to the price of the ‘normal’ heat source such as gas.

We work at the front end of heat production rather than the consumer metering and billing end. My experience with CHP for greenhouses naturally extends into running CHP for heat networks:

  • Energy contract negotiation

  • Operating cost analysis

  • Run regime optimisation

  • CHPQA, UKETS etc.

Get in touch for a no-nonsense conversation about the support we can provide.

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