CHPQA - are you ready for your annual data returns?

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If you have a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant of pretty much any type it is almost certain to be worth being in the Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) scheme.

A key part of maintaining your CHPQA Certification is to submit your annual energy data. With the deadline being 31 March for your 2020 data you might think there is plenty of time. To be fair there is plenty of time if you run through this brief checklist and everything is OK. If it isn’t, there is still plenty of time to get it sorted; but if you don't check now and unearth some problems it could be a bit tight. Some key points/tips:

  • Has your nominated Responsible Person changed?

    • Yes – notify CHPQA straight away

    • No – check that your log on details work

  • Have any meters been changed since your last submission?

    • Yes – get their make, model and serial number ready to update CHPQA form F2 alongside submitting your annual data

  • Meter readings:

    • Make sure you have a complete set of monthly meter readings and any supporting information such as gas bills

    • Check what they are telling you every month:

      • How do they compare to the previous month and even the same month the year before?

      • Are the electricity and heat efficiencies what you expect?

    • If you have had any meter failures consider how the data gaps will be filled

  • Meter calibration:

    • Are all your meters calibrated according to the CHPQA requirements?

    • No – check the default uncertainty factors. It doesn’t always mean that they have to be calibrated.

Get in touch if:

  • You need help with any of the above

  • You’re looking for an ongoing CHPQA support service

  • You are installing a CHP and need help with a new CHPQA application

  • You’re not in CHPQA and wonder if you should be

  • You don’t have a CHP and want to know if they are a good investment.

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