RHI extension for delayed projects confirmed

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BEIS have confirmed the detail of the announcement made back in August to extend the application deadline for non-domestic renewable heat projects that have been started but are not eligible for a Tariff Guarantee to 31 March 2022.

The following ARE eligible for a Tariff Guarantee and are therefore NOT eligible for this particular extension:

  • Solid biomass CHP, geothermal and biomethane applications of all sizes

  • Biomass greater than or equal to 1MWth

  • Biogas greater than or equal to 600kWth

  • Ground source and water source heat pumps (including Shared Ground Loops) greater than or equal to 100kWth.

To be eligible projects must be able to demonstrate that significant resource was invested into project development prior to 17 August 2020. The list of acceptable evidence is split into two categories:

  • Primary Evidence

  • Secondary Evidence

You must be able to provide either one piece of Primary Evidence or two pieces of Secondary Evidence.

Primary Evidence includes:

  • Contracts for construction or loan/finance agreements

  • Energy supply contracts for fuel or heat supply

  • Invoices including but not limited to borehole array design, solicitor for securing property agreements, detailed thermal design

  • Planning permission applied for, granted or confirmation that it is not required

Secondary evidence is further split into type A and type B. Either two of type A or one A and one B are required.

Type A:

  • A letter or email seeking confirmation that Planning Permission is not required

  • Evidence that an enquiry has been made to the local network operator for a grid connection

  • Evidence that funding has been allocated by the applicant

  • Detailed quotes for relevant works

Type B:

  • Detailed drawings, plans or schematics

  • Heat loss assessment

  • Evidence of the intended heat use

IMPORTANT – all of the above have to be dated before 17 August 2020 and in the case of contracts signed as well.

As is often the case, there is more detail beyond these headlines. Contact me if you would like to discuss it further.

Now Then Energy

Owner / Director of Now Then Energy Ltd


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