How does the cost of a diesel generator compare with grid electricity?

The short answer

Divide the p/litre of diesel by 3 and you won’t be far out.

The longer answer

  • 1 litre of diesel contains 10.25kWh of energy

  • The electrical efficiency of a diesel generator varies a lot but a modern one running at mid-low load will be c. 30%

So, lets say diesel/gas oil/kerosene is 100p/litre, divide by 10.25 = 9.8p/kWh of fuel. Then divide by 30% = 33p/kWh of electricity generated; pretty close to 1/3 of the p/litre price of diesel.

OK, you’ve got to add in maintenance and depreciation or rental costs. But faced with grid electricity costs of c. 60p/kWh over the next 12 months (if you’re lucky) a good old ‘oil burner’ could be worth considering.

Now Then Energy

Owner / Director of Now Then Energy Ltd

Lots of work - time to double the work-force!


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