Updates and information that you might find useful.

Whilst we publish news and updates here, we often share, comment and like energy related posts on social media that we think are interesting and useful. Keep up to date here:

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The TRIADs are coming (again)!

The winter 21-22 electricity TRIAD season starts on 01 Nov. Read about what it is and what to do to get ready for it.

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Climate Change Levy - are you paying the right amount?

Climate Change Levy (CCL) - businesses can save a lot of money by being in a CCA or CHPQA. But it has to be claimed in the right way and be regularly reviewed. Here are some tips and common mistakes to help to keep you on track.

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Are green electricity tariffs just greenwash?

Green electricity tariffs are commonplace nowadays. But do they make a difference or are they just a load of greenwash?

The BBC did a good piece on it recently. I have also added my take on it.

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TRIAD reconciliation for import electricity

Now the TRIAD times and dates for winter 20-21 have been published by National Grid ESO, electricity suppliers will be reconciling all of the contracts that have TRIAD billed ‘as incurred’ rather than built in as a fixed cost. If your consumption pattern has changed or you didn’t respond to a TRIAD alert you could be in for an unpleasant surprise; the opposite could also be the case!

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UKETS - how to get out if you’re in

Being within the UKETS (previously EUETS) can be a significant cost to businesses. Whilst we don’t yet know what the UKETS carbon price will be, if it is similar to EU carbon prices every 10,000 tonnes emitted will currently cost businesses c. £400,000 p.a.

But if you are ‘in’ it doesn’t automatically mean that you can never get ‘out’.

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